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Innovating the Learning process: How Accel2R accelerates learning R

Clinical programming is hard — and time-consuming. Learning a new programming language is also hard — and time-consuming. How can anyone be expected to do them both at the same time? At Experis, we tried to train clinical programmers in R for years. We gave them books. We gave them access to online eLearning courses. […]

Why Generic R Training Is Not Good Enough For Clinical Programmers

There is a significant buzz in the Life Science industry around using R in the clinical space. Many companies are actively transitioning some of their clinical tasks to R. Some companies are only using R for QC. In contrast, others are starting production study programming in R, building shiny apps, or creating CDISC […]

Changing the Language of Problem Solving: 5 Learning Challenges Moving from SAS to R

One thing we’ve learned in 2020 is that the tools you use to get your work done affect the way your brain thinks. This includes how you communicate, approach and solve problems. If you change a tool, you will likely need to reprogram your brain to effectively get your work done. If […]